Author: Lauren Oliver
Genre: YA - Dystopian
"I'm pushing aside the memory of my nightmare,pushing aside thoughts of Alex,pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school,push,push,push,like Raven taught me to do.The old life is dead.But the old Lena is dead too.I buried her.I left her beyond a fence,behind a wall of smoke and flame.Lauren Oliver delivers an electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Delirium. This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite." ~See it on Goodreads
This book switches between “Then” (which is right after Lena makes it into the Wilds and how she adjusts to that life, ect.) and “Now”(which is the present time where Lena is active in the Resistance). I know some people don’t really like the whole switching back and forth thing and found it confusing, but it didn’t bother me and I liked getting to see everything that happened in when she first came to the Wilds and at the same time not missing any of the action from current events.
I really liked that we got to see Lena grow and change even more in this book, she’s brave, strong, and more confident in herself and what she can do. There are several new characters in this book, one of the more significant ones being Julian. At first I just wasn’t all that sure about him but as the story went on he started to grow on me. His beliefs and actions in the beginning were similar to Lena’s beliefs and actions in the first book before she met Alex. Julian does start to change as the story goes on and his eyes are opened to the way things really are and you see how he grows from that knowledge.
Pandemonium is a lot more action packed than Delirium was, which I loved. I think it added a new element to the story, and I liked the fact that Lena kicked some butt haha. It kept me glued to the pages just as much (if not more) as Delirium did.
One thing I’m on the fence about is the whole Lena Julian thing, while I do like him, I’m not sure if I like him with Lena. But I may be biased because I loved Alex so much in the first book. But I guess we’ll see how it all pans out in Requiem.
And I have to say the cliffhanger at the end was horrible! This was basically my reaction
So obviously I will be anxiously waiting for Requiem to come out!!
4.5 Stars!