Showing posts with label Darkness Comes This Way. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darkness Comes This Way. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Author Guest Post: Pixie Lynn Whitfield (Author of "Darkness Comes This Way")

I'm super excited to have the lovely Pixie Lynn Whitfield here on the blog today as a part of her blog tour for her debut novel, "Darkness Comes This Way". Be sure to check at the bottom of this post for links to her book and blog(s), as well as the link for the next stop on the blog tour! Now on to the fun stuff!


What I Share and Don’t Share With My Characters
By Pixie Lynn Whitfield

So, there’s a common question nowadays among all writers from readers once their book is read:

Did you craft your MC or any of your characters after you? 

Here’s a simple answer on behalf of Darkness Comes This Way: No.

I didn’t.

It doesn’t mean though that I didn’t happen to craft Zarah or any of the others with some similar personality traits. It happens. And yes, she’s also a redhead like myself, but a different shade of red, so let’s just get that out of the way now. Her hair is a much darker shade. Mine is light, probably more strawberry, hers is dark--perhaps almost a dark brown with reddish hues. Dark auburn. Get it? Haha. This was how I envisioned her. Writers can be a bit crazy. When we say our characters pick their own voice, style, etc., it’s true.

So, what do I share and don’t share with Zarah?

Zarah is a bit on the shorter side. So am I. But, she’s still taller than me, so she gets points for that. She’s very crafty and makes awesome things like homemade gloves and duster jackets and cross-stitches. Well…I know how to cross-stitch. But not very good. And it’s a bit boring actually. I’m also crafty, but not near that crafty. I can’t sew for crap. I can barely sew on buttons. Yes, I’m terrible. My craft-work mostly lies in wood-working (wood burning images), homemade bookmarks, journals, and some painting.

She also kicks a lot of ass, okay? I’m a tough cookie if I need to be but I couldn’t professionally box. I know how to shoot guns though, so I guess I share that common knowledge with her. And we both love fast, pretty cars and good rock music. I do not like her “messy” lifestyle. She calls it “chaotically organized”. Whatever. She can be a bit lazy.

Last but not least, I most definitely do not drink blood.

At least, you hope not, right? 

Thanks for having me at your blog, Taylor!

With all the love,


Thanks so much for the wonderful post Pixie!

Be sure to visit her authors blog: Pixie Lynn Whitfield and also check out her book blog: The Bookaholic.

You can follow her on Twitter: @addiction2books, and you can also find her on Goodreads and add Darkness Come This Way to your TBR lists!

Also be sure to check out the next stop on the blog tour over at Kayla's blog: Kismet Kayla on June 15th!!


Happy reading lovelies!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Darkness Comes This Way" Giveaway Winners!!

Okay everyone I'm super excited to announce the winners of my giveaway for "Darkness Comes This Way" by Pixie Lynn Whitfield!

And without further ado, the winners are......

Tiffany over @ Caught in a SynderWebb is our US winner!


Vanessa over @ Bornean Bookworm Reads is our International winner!

I'll be sending out an email to each of the winners in case they miss this post. Thanks so much to everyone who participated and entered the giveaway! I definitely recommend getting a copy of Darkness Comes This Way if you haven't already, and supporting this amazing new author! :)

P.S. Be sure and follow Pixie at her authors blog: Pixie Lynn Whitfield
And also at her book blog: The Bookaholic.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Author Interview With Pixie Lynn Whitfield + Giveaway!

Okay lovelies, I've got some super fun stuff to share! I had the pleasure of interviewing my good friend Pixie Lynn Whitfield to celebrate the release of her debut novel Darkness Comes This Way. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of her book, which I loved! You can see my review of it here.

So, without further ado, I'd just like to welcome my lovely friend Pixie to the blog :D Hope you guys enjoy!


Where are you from? 

Pixie: I’m from a little town in Northeast Texas called Jefferson. I’m serious when I say little. There’s only a couple stop lights, and the biggest thing here is the McDonald’s. It’s a historic, Civil War tourist town. Luckily, we are in the middle of everything. I’m one hour from Shreveport, LA. Three hours from Dallas. An hour and a half from Texarkana. Right in the middle. I guess it works out.

What are some of your hobbies outside of writing? 

I’m a total bookworm. When I’m not writing, I’m reading. That’s a bit of a given though, I’m sure. So when I’m not writing AND reading, I love just relaxing with some of my favorite television shows (Supernatural junkie!), shopping with friends, and playing games. Sometimes I break into my crafty side and make things. I like making bookmarks and homemade journals and doing woodworking, too. 

What started your interest in writing? 

Pixie: I started reading when I was four. My father taught me. I think my interest mostly began not too much longer after that. I didn’t know how to write well at that time, but I could tell stories. I liked books and reading so much, that I wanted to create my own. I wasn’t a normal kid. While kids were told about Santa and the Tooth Fairy, I was learning about the “Bogey Man”, vampires, and ghosts. I had a natural inclination toward the scary stories and it never went away. Lol. I began fully writing my first set of stories when I was around nine or ten. I always knew writing was what I wanted to do, thanks to my love of reading, myths, and history.

Which books/authors have influenced your life the most? 

Pixie: Dr. Seuss for my start in reading. Stephen King for the dark, thrilling and scary. Anne Rice for the vampires and romance. Then later in life, over the last several years, I’ve found new influences among some great YA authors like Richelle Mead and Melissa Marr.

What was your inspiration for writing Darkness Comes This Way? 

Pixie: It started a couple years ago. This was not my first novel. My first one is shelved away, perhaps never seeing any public eyes ever. But what started Darkness Comes This Way was actually a prompt for a writing contest on a site for what was to originally be a short story. It was a one word prompt (the word: insanity), and I was trying to come up with an idea. Later that night, I dreamed of sequences for bits and pieces throughout the novel and had to wake up the next day to jot them down before forgetting. I dream very vividly. The character of Draven came through the strongest. I kept seeing this long-haired, tall guy with the oddest shade of blue eyes, and had a deep Irish accent. He holds an air of mystery. He’s angry a lot. This was a character I wanted to mold and shape. And what can I say? I like accents.

My characters talk to me a lot. And Zarah does. Sound crazy? Maybe it is. She’s sarcastic. I liked her tone though, and that’s what inspired me to create her in this world. I wanted to create a world that had my favorite creature that could be realistic with the characters and the backdrop.

When I began putting it together though, I had no idea in the beginning that it was going to turn out to be a novel, much less a trilogy.

How did you come up with the title? 

Darkness Comes This Way actually is NOT the first title. You wouldn’t believe how many titles I went through over the last year before I finally came up with this one and thought it was best. An author will probably go through several themselves, so I know I’m not alone. I was just working on my edits one day a few months back when the title occurred to me. There’s not really a fancy story to it, but I think it’s fitting for the first book. Why? That I can’t say or it may give away a very crucial spoiler at the end.

Which character from Darkness Comes This Way has been your favorite to write? Did you have a least favorite? 

Pixie: Thomas was my favorite to write. He is such a sarcastic and witty character but has strong loyalties and very protective of his sister, no matter his current status. My least favorite would have to be Alyssa. She was a tough one to write honestly, because there’s not much backstory to give about her in this book, but I have a feeling she’ll have more presence in the next.

Were the characters in Darkness Comes This Way based on any real life people? 

Pixie: Haha. Yes, actually. Well, inspired would be a better term. My own brother totally inspired Zarah’s brother, Thomas. Mine is older also, and while their relationship is not exactly like the one me and my brother have, I just have a strong feeling that if we were in that situation, we would be like that. My brother and I are very close and would protect each other at all costs if necessary. Speaking of my brother, I did use his actual name for a character in the book just to make his butt happy. A minor character, but still…I proved my love. :P

What was the most challenging thing about writing Darkness Comes his Way? 

Pixie: Simple. Writing. Editing. Writing. Editing. Writing. Editing.
Hahaha! Just kidding. Not really. The most challenging thing would have to be trying to avoid a lot of the romance. I knew from the start that while I want romance in the trilogy, I didn’t want it to be the main focus for the first book anyway.

Were you nervous about publishing your first book? 

Pixie: Oh yes. I’m still all nerves.

When it comes to writing do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer? 

It really depends on my mood and the place. If I’m at home, I’m writing on the computer nowadays because I’ve become spoiled with that piece of technology and my laptop has everything on it. If I’m out, I always carry a small notebook and pen in my purse, and any ideas that come across, I jot down there. I used to write a lot by hand. My first novel (the shelved away one I mentioned in an earlier question), is completely handwritten in a notebook. 

How do you deal with writer's block?

Pixie: Every writer deals with that pesky thing differently. Personally, when I get stuck or have that “writer’s block”, I step back, take a small break, and read over the work I have. Maybe there’s a line that needs to be changed somewhere, or some editing in some places? If so, then I work on that. Or I’ll find my stopping point and force myself to write a sentence no matter how bad it may come out. Either way, it usually gets my words flowing again at least. I try to write at least 600 words per day, minimum, in order to stay out of that nasty rut.

Can you tell us about any projects you're currently working on? 

Pixie: Oh, yes, I’d be happy to! Right now, I’m working on book two of The Guardians of the Night trilogy. I can’t give away the title yet, but it’s going to be released around January of 2013. It’s almost finished, then onto editing while I start book three. Asides from the trilogy, I’m also working on a YA Dystopian/Horror novel that has been in the works for months. It’s been my little side project, but this one has been insanely fun to work on. It also revolves around vampires, but much different than The Guardians of the Night trilogy. There’s no set date yet on when this one will be out though.
I’m constantly writing and creating new novels and ideas. Just the other day, I started a new one. A YA Contemporary Romance. Outside of my normal genre, but it’s going to be fun writing as well.

Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Taylor!

Thanks for taking the time to do the interview Pixie! It was my pleasure to have you here :D


If you'd like more info on the author, you can visit her authors blog: Pixie Lynn Whitfield
She also has a book blog you should check out as well: The Bookaholic.

You can find her on Twitter: @addiction2books

You can also find her on Goodreads and add Darkness Come This Way to your TBR lists! Also her novel is on sale in Kindle format as of today!


Now I know what you've all really been waiting for are the details for the giveaway! I'm happy to announce that there will be 2 winners! One US winner and one International winner!

The prizes are as follows:

US winner: A signed copy of Darkness Comes This Way + Bookmarks
International winner: An ebook copy of Darkness Comes This Way

All you have to do to enter is fill out the rafflecopter form below!

If you live outside of the US please be sure to fill out the International form so things don't get too confusing.

The giveaway will run until midnight on Thursday, May 24th. Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 3, 2012

ARC Review: Darkness Comes This Way by Pixie Lynn Whitfield

Title: Darkness Comes This Way
Author: Pixie Lynn Whitfield
Genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy - YA
Publication Date: May 22nd, 2012

"Zarah Duncan is a Guardian. It’s an elite job that protects humans and the untainted vampires from the real monsters: those lost to the bloodlust. Rogues infest the city. Missing humans, unsolved cases…Zarah knows what the real cause is and she’s been trained since childhood to destroy them.
But she has a haunting past that catches up one day. Zarah was Rogue once, and until her, no one else has ever cured from the poisoned state of mind before. She’s been labeled a miracle, and the mystery only builds. She gets the awful feeling there’s more to it than just a lucky magical come-back. There are deep, dark secrets being kept. Maybe her boss Nathanial knows something? When she gets paired with a partner, Draven Kinsley, it only adds more difficulty. He hates her and swears that with a single look, she’ll poison him. To make matters worse, her Rogue brother has to show up, and he brings with him a shocking announcement. What Zarah learns from him rocks her entire world upside down. She not only begins to question who and what she is anymore, but it can possibly change the Vampire race forever.
The scary part: someone else knows too…and they’ll do anything to get her special blood, spelling disaster for the humans that Guardians have secretly been protecting for decades.
Vampires, fallen angels, war, betrayal, and romance fill this Paranormal/Urban Fantasy debut, the first book to a high-action trilogy" ~See it on Goodreads

Well it seems that I’ve been reading a lot of Vampire novels recently haha, I’ve been on a bit of a kick I guess. But each one of them has been completely different. I was lucky enough to get an advanced review e-copy of Darkness Comes This Way, and I was highly intrigued from the beginning of the story.

I really, really loved the premise of this story; I think it was unique, engaging, and unlike the other Paranormal/Urban Fantasy books I’ve read before. I loved the world building, it was realistic and felt like this could be something that’s really going on in the world right now but we humans are none the wiser. Which is a tad bit creepy if you think about it lol. The detail was extremely well done and I was able to imagine everything easily, I also liked the fact that there is some back story to it and you’re not just sitting there wondering how certain things (that I won’t name due to being spoilers lol) came about.

I really liked Zarah, she was tough, spunky, and intelligent. She wasn’t your perfect “mary-sue” type character, she has her flaws and they’re part of what makes her real and relatable. In the beginning she starts off not really letting anyone in but as the story goes on you see her start to grow in that area and let some of her walls down which I liked a lot. I liked Draven as well, although at first I was kind of tired of him being so stand offish with Zarah but I suppose he had his reasons lol. However, I would like to know more about his background though so I’m hoping in the next installments we’ll find out more about him. And while I still really like the other characters, I think as of now Thomas (Zarah’s brother), would have to be my favorite character. I loved everything about his personality, he’s got a bit of a sarcastic streak (which I always love in my characters lol), he’s loyal, smart, and cares about his sister’s well being.

There’s some romance in the story but it doesn’t seem out of place or take away from the main plot, I’m looking forward to seeing how it will play out in the other two books. The action was definitely not lacking in this book, there were several times when I couldn’t turn the page fast enough haha. I was thoroughly hooked all the way till the end, and speaking of the end it was kind of a cliffhanger and now I I’ll be anxiously waiting for the next book to come out!

I know this isn’t the longest review but I was trying not to go into too much detail and accidentally give away spoilers lol. But I will say that overall I really enjoyed this book, and if you’re a Vampire or Paranormal/Urban Fantasy lover, or if you’re just looking for a new series to get started on, I’d definitely recommend this book!

4 Stars! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cover Reveal: Darkness Comes This Way

Okay so I'm super excited to be able to announce the cover reveal of Darkness Comes This Way, which is the debut novel written by my good friend Pixie Lynn Whitfield over at The Bookaholic

She was nice enough to ask me to design the cover for her, and of course I agreed! It's an honor that she entrusted me to put this together for her and I'm so glad I was able to be of help! :)

And here it is!



"Zarah Duncan is a Guardian. It’s an elite job that protects humans and the untainted vampires from the real monsters: those lost to the bloodlust. They’re called Rogues, and they infest the city. Missing humans, unsolved cases…Zarah knows what the real cause is. And she’s been trained since childhood to destroy them. 

But she has a haunting past that catches up one day. Zarah was Rogue once, and until her, no one else has ever cured from the poisoned state of mind before. She’s been labeled a miracle, and the mystery only builds. She gets the awful feeling there’s more to it than just a lucky magical come-back. There are deep, dark secrets being kept. Maybe her boss Nathanial knows something? When she gets paired with a partner, Draven Kinsley, it only adds more difficulty. He hates her and swears that with a single look, she’ll poison him. To make matters worse, her Rogue brother has to show up, and he brings with him a shocking announcement. What Zarah learns from him rocks her entire world upside down. She not only begins to question who and what she is anymore, but it can possibly change the Vampire race forever.

The scary part: someone else knows too…and they’ll do anything to get her special blood, spelling disaster for the humans that Guardians have secretly been protecting for decades."

Darkness Comes This Way is the first book to a high-action Paranormal/Urban Fantasy trilogy by debut author Pixie Lynn Whitfield (publication date: June 1st).


Be sure to check it out on Goodreads and add it to your TBR lists!

Also make sure to go visit Pixie's blog The Bookaholic to see her own post of the cover reveal plus an awesome giveaway!
